Whichever configuration you choose, you're getting that unmistakable Vox sound.

AC30s are usually all- valve combos but can also purchased in all- valve head format. Greenbacks offer a warmer, more rounded sound, while the Alnico Blues offer greater articulation. List your Vox AC30CCH Custom Classic 2-Channel 30-Watt Guitar Amp Head today to get it in front of thousands of eyes, quickly and easily. The Vox AC30CC2 2x12 combo amp is the culmination of over 45 years of high quality, guitar amplifier design and fabrication. AC30s usually have two speakers and these days you can choose whether you want Celestion "Greenback" or "Alnico Blue" speakers in your amp. The AC30 sound starts with the EL84 power amp valves and 12AX7 preamp valves, with the EL84s being known for their bright and clear sound that can easily be pushed into overdrive territory. Musicians such as Brian May, The Edge, Hank Marvin, and Tom Petty have all used AC30s and the results speak for themselves. Having said that I looked online and generally see ac15, vintage ac30s/ac50s and cant seem to find the. My cousin and I are planning a day to go over my amp to generally service and do a go over the amp since hes majored in electronics. The AC30 helped form the sound of British rock in the 1960s and beyond, seeing continued popularity to this day. Discussion in Amp Tech Center started by LordIngipz. Which tubes should I use for which places. How should I take the amp apart to find where the tubes go2. I've looked around and most places say to change preamp and power tubes First:1. This amplifier is a recreation of Voxs celebrated AC30 amplifier, a legendary amp in some circles. The main problem is: I have no idea where to begin.

It provides the signature Vox sound - bright, jangly, and powerful - with enough volume for the gigging musician. I think I've ready to swap out the tubes in my AC30.

VENDRE If your budget can no longer touch a British-made AC30. Like its smaller counterpart, the AC30 was an instant success. VOX AC30CC2 2X12 guitar amplifier Custom Classic AC30 tube combo amp - EUR 486,17. Released in 1959, the Vox AC30 came about because Vox's first amp, the AC15 just wasn't powerful enough to handle large stages.